Gretchen Wilson Promotes Higher Education in Washington, D.C.

Posted by Nick Zeitz on 05/07/2009

Twenty years after dropping out of high school, Gretchen Wilson returned to school to receive her GED. Earlier this week, Wilson took the stage in Washington, D.C., not to sing but to discuss higher education with more than 150 politicians, wrote
"When I became a celebrity I didn't really think about the role model thing that comes along with it," she said. "When you have the opportunity to help people, and you start to see what kind of good your celebrity can do, you start to focus on the things that matter to you."
Wilson discussed the troubles she has encountered over the years without having a high school diploma, her struggles to hold a job and the positive changes having a GED has made in her life. Having returned to the stage after getting her GED, Wilson has noticed a greater appreciation from fans. She also said sometimes after a show, a fan will tell her how she has inspired them or a friend or family member to change their life around.  
"My trip up here today was simply to help people get this good feeling I've got about myself."