Where are Keith, Nicole, and Sunday Rose?

Posted by Lisa Ann Schleipfer on 08/08/2008

Keith-Urban-Nicole-KidmanINPUT { behavior: url(http://www.countryhound.com/FCKeditor/editor/css/behaviors/hiddenfield.htc) ; }INPUT,TEXTAREA,SELECT,.FCK__Anchor,.FCK__PageBreak { behavior: url(http://www.countryhound.com/FCKeditor/editor/css/behaviors/disablehandles.htc) ; }TABLE { behavior: url(http://www.countryhound.com/FCKeditor/editor/css/behaviors/showtableborders.htc) ; }The Aussies are in a frenzy over baby Sunday Rose Kidman Urban, who arrived in Sydney with her parents, Nicole Kidman and Country Music star Keith Urban, this past Wednesday.  The new parents were changing cars to avoid the photographers, who got a few shaky images of the well-swaddled infant. Reuters reported yesterday the couple pleaded with the paparazzi to leave their daughter alone.  "Keith and I are both appealing to the press and stuff just to give us a little space so we can walk around Sydney and show the baby our town," Kidman told Sydney radio station 2Day FM.  The protective mom continued, "Just (don't photograph) right in her face or in our faces because it's scary for her."  The couple has not released an photographs of their now month-old daughter, and say they do not plan on selling images of Sunday Rose.  The Country Music superstar and his Oscar-winning wife are still proud parents at the core, Urban happily telling the radio station: "Anybody out there who's got kids (knows) it's just a certain kind of feeling that you can only experience when you do it." Urban continued, "She's just awesome... cute little thing. I'm not looking forward to having to go on tour and having to leave."  Urban is scheduled to be in Houston for a show this coming Saturday.  The happy couple will proudly be introducing Sunday Rose to the rest of her Aussie family.