Jamey Johnson Comes Full Circle

Posted by Mac McKinnon on 08/06/2008

INPUT { behavior: url(http://countryhound.com/FCKeditor/editor/css/behaviors/hiddenfield.htc) ; }INPUT,TEXTAREA,SELECT,.FCK__Anchor,.FCK__PageBreak { behavior: url(http://countryhound.com/FCKeditor/editor/css/behaviors/disablehandles.htc) ; }TABLE { behavior: url(http://countryhound.com/FCKeditor/editor/css/behaviors/showtableborders.htc) ; }Jamey Johnson Jamey Johnson has been through the ringer during his short time on the Country Music scene, but it seems as if he has finally found his place of comfort. That Lonesome Song, Johnson’s recently completed album, was done his way, engineered to have a classic, genuinely live sound. “We wanted it to sound like a live show”, Johnson said. “I wanted you to feel like a fly on the wall of the studio as we went down and cut all these songs, and you get to hear all the stories and jokes and people having fun and chairs creaking and people stomping pedals.” Johnson went through a trying stretch earlier in his career, including being dropped from his label and going through a divorce. It became difficult for Jamey to carry on the showbiz lifestyle while shouldering such a burden off the stage. “Getting dropped off the label, being in the middle of that divorce, it was just an awful load of stress to take around with you all the time,” he said. “I'm still out partying with my friends, but I come to realize I'm just pouring whiskey on pain. And at the end of the night, I didn't feel like celebrating anymore. I'm still hurting pretty bad, especially after I got dropped. I just realized, ‘Man, this is not a good thing. I need to quit this.’" Johnson cleaned up his act and is now happy with his standing in life. “Everything's all right,” he said.  “I'm feeling happy again, and that's where I am today.”