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Gary Nichols To Front Bluegrass Group The SteelDrivers

Posted by Laura Travis on 04/05/2010

Gary Nichols, a solo Country artist who has released singles but never released a full-length album, will now join the bluegrass group The SteelDrivers as the lead singer. Nichols will be replacing the former lead singer, Chris Stapleton. 

According to, rehearsals thus far have been going smoothly.

"The first night we met Gary, he had driven up to Nashville to audition and had been asked to learn four of our songs. He sat down, had a shot of brown and launched into Blue Side of the Mountain. Around the room, eyebrows raised and sly glances were exchanged. By the time the harmonies blended for the first chorus, we all knew he had the gig. He then ripped off the other three songs with ease, sang a couple more of ours that had caught his ear and proceeded to teach us a couple of his. After he left, the vote was unanimous. Folks, we are thrilled to have Gary with us and it feels like we are picking up right where we left off. Gary is a guy who brings it from down deep, and you'll feel it like we did when you hear him. So, all is well. The torch has been passed. The music lives on, and we'll see you there."