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Matt Kennon to Release Debut Album in April

Posted by Laura Travis on 02/15/2010

Bamajam Records recording artist Matt Kennon will release his self-titled debut album on April 27.  The album contains Kennon's breakthrough single, "The Call," which encourages people to reach out to the ones they love. 

BamaJam will be releasing a three-song The Call - EP on iTunes, and other key digital outlets on Tuesday, March 9. The EP will contain “The Call” along with two other tracks from the album -- “The Man I Used To Be” and “Some People Piss Me Off."
“I’m really glad to be getting the EP out there,” said Kennon in a statement. “It’s a great way for me to get more of my music out to people who are finding out about me through 'The Call' and give them a sense of what the whole record is going to be like.”
Catch Kennon on his upcoming performance on Better TV on Wednesday, Feb. 17.

For more information on Kennon, visit