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Country Music Hall of Fame Launches New Fundraiser

Posted by Lisa Ann Schleipfer on 01/29/2009

Bill MonroeThe Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum is embarking on a sizable fundraising campaign to restore the honor to some of the recent additions to its collection.The $1.1 million fundraising campaign is to back the Museum's acquisition of four instruments from the legends Maybelle Carter, Johnny Cash and Bill MonroeThe campaign comes after a $750,000 settlement with the Robert W. McLean estate. McLean, who died in 2007, accepted agreements from the museum for the purchase of several instruments. These included Mother Maybelle Carter’s Gibson L-5 guitar and Bill Monroe’s (seen above) Gibson F-5 Loar mandolin. Two other instruments were donated: Johnny Cash's Martin D-35 acoustic guitar and his Martin prototype guitar. McLean later filed for bankruptcy, and his Trustee requested the items be returned in order to pay McLean's debt.The Hall has launched the campaign to defray the balance of the cost of the instruments. “We did not have the money and, because we hold the instruments, like all of our collection, not for ourselves but in trust for the benefit of the public, we could not merely turn them over to the Trustee,” said Museum Director Kyle Young.Grand Ole Opry star Ricky Skaggs is expected to lead the campaign to the public, urging fans to donate in order to save the historically valuable pieces. "This outcome means that we, the public, remain the owners of these treasures, and it reminds us that we are fortunate to have them protected and accessible under the stewardship of one of the finest museums in the country, " said Skaggs.Gifts by mail may be sent to Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum, 222 Fifth Avenue South, Mail Drop DP, Nashville, Tennessee 37203. Checks should be made out to the Country Music Foundation. Please specify Precious Jewel Fund.For more information, visit The Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum.