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Teddy Gentry Says "Turn It Off"

Posted by Carmen Wagster on 10/14/2008

Alabama’s Teddy Gentry articulated suggestions on how we can go green. He recommends that we “Turn It Off,” a proposal even more encouraged in a new single released by Eric Durrance called “Turn It Off."Gentry compiled a list of items that we should “turn off” when we are not using the appliances, thus, saving energy and lowering our electric bill. His suggestions include unplugging small appliances, using fluorescent light bulbs, keeping light fixtures and bulbs dusted, and turning off lights, the TV and computers when they are not in use. He also wrote that we should take the stairs instead of elevators, adjust thermostat settings (down a little in winter, up a little in summer), use the microwave instead of the conventional oven, use good driving habits to increase fuel milage and finally to use green energy. He wrote, “Although we are in an election year, issues such as global warming and energy conservation are simply not political issues; they are 'mankind' issues and Americans can take small steps to make a difference to lower our carbon footprint.”